geography of kardzhali province in Chinese
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- geography
- n. 1.地理学。 2.地理,地形,地势 (of)。 3.地志,地理书。 4.(生产、建筑等的)配置,布局。 短语和例子 applied geography商业地理。 botanical geography植物分布学。 human geography人文地理学。 physical geography地文学,自然地理。 political geography政治地理...
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- province
- n. 1.省,州;〔pl.〕 地区,地方; 〔the provinces〕 乡下。 2.本分;职责;(学问等的)范围。 3.【宗教】大教区;【罗马史】(国外)行省;(旧时)英国在北美的殖民地。 短语和例子 one's native province 故乡。 London and the provinces 〔英国〕中央和(全国各)地方。 be within one...
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What is the meaning of geography of kardzhali province in Chinese and how to say geography of kardzhali province in Chinese? geography of kardzhali province Chinese meaning, geography of kardzhali province的中文,geography of kardzhali province的中文,geography of kardzhali province的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by